If you struggle while receiving dental treatment, general anesthesia may help you.

Questions & answers

General anesthesia

What is general anesthesia?

General anesthesia induces sleep and makes it easier for our dentists and team to provide the dental care a patient needs. It is most commonly inhaled through a mask or injected into the hand or arm.

When is general aesthetes recommended?

  • A patient cannot relax enough to safely receive treatment
  • Extensive dental work is required
  • A patient has a disability or special needs and cannot comply with the directions they are given

Will I be in pain after my surgery?

General anesthesia is typically paired with a local anesthetic to keep the individual comfortable after the anesthesia wears off.

General anesthesia


Our experienced dentists may recommend general anesthesia to help you receive the treatments you need in complete comfort. Also known as hospital dentistry, this form of sedation is provided for patients who need to be unconscious in order to receive care. Contact Dentistry and Braces Group today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

If a patient has extreme difficulty receiving dental treatment, our dentists may recommend in-office general anesthesia. General anesthesia induces sleep, making it easy for our dentists and team to provide the necessary care.


General anesthetics are usually administered through inhalation or an injection into the hand or arm. We may also use a long-lasting local anesthetic during the procedure so that the patient will wake up feeling numb after treatment and remain comfortable after the general anesthetic wears off. Our dentists may recommend general anesthesia when:

  • A child cannot relax or calm down enough to receive treatment safely
  • Oral surgery or other treatment is difficult to provide when the patient is awake
  • A patient needs extensive dental work performed in a single visit
  • A patient has special needs or a disability that limits their ability to understand or comply with directions to safely receive treatment

You will be provided with detailed instructions about eating and drinking before and after your procedure, as well as instructions on post-operative care following treatment. Please follow these instructions as closely as possible. If you have any questions about general anesthesia, please contact our office.

Contact us

At Dentistry and Braces group, we believe that everyone deserves exceptional dental care, no matter their age or circumstance. For personalized, comprehensive dental care, contact our experienced dentists and make your appointment today.